Development of Medical Images Series Segmentation Technique Using Active Contours Models


  • Abdul Monem S. Rahma
  • I. A. Alwan


Image segmentation, is one of the most important problems in computer vision and image processing. As a
high-level technique for boundary identification, active contours are used extensively for segmentation purposes.
Active contours or Snakes are curves defined in the image domain that can move under the influence of internal
forces within the curve itself and external forces derived from the image data. In this research the Gradient Vector
Flow (GVF snake) was used for the segmentation of brain tumor images. We used Magnetic Resonance image (MRI)
dataset for our experiments. The results show that GVF snake is one of the most effective solutions for the
problems of the traditional model of active contours. GVF provides a good capture rang and a good convergence;
there fore; Good results are obtained; where GVF snake could successfully segment the brain tumor regions from
MRI images.





