A State-of-the-Art Review of the Behavior of SIFCON As a Structural Member
SIFCON, hooked–end steel fiber, Micro steel fiber, Splitting strength, Flexural strength, Compressive strength, SIFCON SlurryAbstract
The "Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON)" composites can be considered as a new trend in civil engineering fields that have a motivate impact. Such composites are usually synthesized by infiltrating cement slurry with steel fibers matrix to get high level of mechanical properties. Portland cement concrete is weak in tensile and might not illustrate large tensile strains margins. Materials such as steel and pre-stressed tendons were historically used to avoid these limitations of cement. The last fifteen years. Interest has increased among using discontinuous, separated steel fibers for alternate or supplementary reinforcement. Fibers for this utilization have diameters that takes levels between 0.01 to 0.35 in. (0.25 to 0.9 mm) and lengths ranging from 0.5to 3.0 in. (12.7 to 76.2 mm). However, the principal functions of steel fibers are to enhance resistance to impact. By the means of posy cracking ductility, the cracking and mode of failure can be controlled. To increase the performance with respect to tensile strength, flexural strength as well as the fatigue strength.